Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 2-Spreadsheet Essentials

In order for The Bacon Flipper to work, we're going to have to utilize spreadsheet essentials whether it be Microsoft Excel or some other spreadsheet company. We need spreadsheet so that we can see things clearly. We need to know the costs of input so that we can plan accordingly. If there are other competitors in the market that have such kinds of technology as we do, then we will have to use spreadsheet to monitor the amounts of money that our competitors are making so that we can track them and watch them. If they are making a lot of money then we will know that they are doing something special that we aren't doing and maybe we can try to steal their idea, tweak it and use it to make more money. We can only see if we are making progress with our company by using numbers to record and there is no better way than spreadsheets.
We need spreadsheet to record our suppliers and anything that might have an effect on our supply of resources that we need in order to make the Bacon Flipper. If there is new technology for example, or if there are substitutes for bacon that is closing out the Bacon Market, we will have to use spreadsheet to record these numbers so that we can take actions to restore the Bacon Market as soon as possible because at the end of the day, all we want to do is make money. However, if there is something that will enhance the bacon market, we need to watch that just as closely. If people like to eat eggs with bacon, then we will make sure to keep a hawk's eye on those eggs. Whenever the price of eggs go up, bacon prices can go up also because people eat eggs with bacon. However, if the price of sausages go down, people may end up buying more sausages because people also eat eggs with sausage and that may mean that people won't eat bacon which mean that they won't need the Bacon Flipper. All of these observations wouldn't be possible if we didn't have spreadsheet to record those numbers.
Finally, we can use spreadsheet to record seller's expectations. We can send surveys and questionnaires to customers of the Bacon Flipper to see what they like and don't like about the product. Whatever we can change, we will change for the better. After collecting results, we can put them on a spreadsheet and analyze the results to see what we should and should not do with the product. In other words, spreadsheet is essential.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Terry,

    I like your idea of how you are going to use excel spreadsheets. I like how you're taking advantage of excel's ability to do multiple tasks. I think the survey and questionnaire idea is going to be really helpful in the future. Its important to always get feedback from your customers. Another thing that I liked about your use of excel was that you plan on organizing your budgets by using this program. I feel like excel would be super simple since it can organize large amount of data instead of completing the task manually one by one.

    Awesome blog post!
