Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 8 - Final Blog

This entrepreneur project is very insightful and it helped me apply everything that I learned in lecture to everyday business. I learned that everything that we learned in lecture has to do with advertising or public relations. There may have been a few lectures that applied to the assembly line of products and the supply chain management of the bacon flipper, but mostly all the lectures and information were used for advertising. This is really good because products need as many methods as they can get to sell off their products.

The only thing I wish I learned in this project was the cost of the technologies. Using the different operating systems means splitting the capacity of a computer so that multiple computers can access the information in that computer at the same time. There will definitely be costs to that. Different companies and different workers will have to use different percentages of the computer and that would change the way a system operates.

Overall, I got the goal of the project, to understand how information technologies are essential to entrepreneurship. Innovation can only go so far if there aren't any tools to help bring that innovation to life. The first step will always be innovation, but the second step will always be the computer, unless we use the computer to help us gain that innovation, then we'll use the computer for every step of the way.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 7- Professional Blog Post

This blog is closely related to the Bacon Flipper because it grills and cooks food without making too much of a mess. The spinning griller collects grease and it is really easy to clean. This product is really similar to the Bacon Flipper and in some ways, it is even better because of the extra features that it holds. The griller has 3 skewers for kebab style barbecuing and it has different temperatures which makes it easy to slow cook or roast quickly. This product is really flexible because it can roast the outside of the meat while keeping the inside nice and tender, making every roasted meat the best meat that the spinning griller can produce.
This blog is very good because it isn't too long and it covers everything about the product. Even though it doesn't cover every aspect of the Spinning Griller, it gives everything that the blog viewer would want to know about. Blog viewers want to know information and nothing more. There were no comments or bloggers on this blog, but it would be an ideal blog because it is a place for bloggers to comment on the product and give feedback for potential buyers to use.
The bad things about this blog is that there are no details about the product itself. It gives a general overview of what the product will do but it does not offer the dimensions or material or anything having to do with the logistics of the product. There is only one picture of the product and the background is too plain. The blog satisfies its purpose in describing the product but it is not excellent and it could be better with more color, spunk, and time.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 6- Operating Systems

In order for the Bacon Flipper to sell successfully, we will need all the tools we can get in order to make the selling easier. We will do this using different operating systems for different purposes. For each specific task we will use either Mac, Windows, Unix, Linux, etc. We will cater to the situation especially when we have certain number of employees that will work on any given project. For mutli-tasking we will use Windows because it is easily accessible by all the employees of the Bacon Flipper. The cheaper the operating system, the easier it will be for everyone to get access to the programs and applications. We will need to use Macs for designing ads and anything related to Public Relations because the Mac programs and operating systems are better suited for design and creativity. We will use all types of operating systems to manage projects and data because we need to have backup data for everything just in case some files mess up or if some transactions get lost.
We will also use pre-emptive multi-tasking system to make sure that all programs are being used for a certain amount of time. Programs that require more time will be given more time to be used while programs that aren't as relevant will not be used as oftenly. This type of multitasking will help the company save time, be more efficient, and energy-efficient.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 5- Cloud Computing

All companies, especially the Bacon Flipper, need to have cloud computing. Cloud computing is the answer to everything because it supplies all of the online applications, all the online programs such as e-mail, e-banking, e-transactions, and other various types of information. Cloud Computing also means that the Bacon Flipper will be able to have quicker access to information at any given moment. The Bacon Flipper will be able to update information on new promotions and products when the ideas and innovations do kick in. The Bacon Flipper is a highly motivated company with many opportunities for reaching in to other markets.
When the Bacon Flipper goes in to being able to flip chicken patties and flipping turkey patties and all other sorts of meat, that is when cloud computing will come in handy. The quick access to the internet is going to put the Bacon Flipper above its competitors and they will have no choice but to surrender to the quick progress of the Bacon Flipper because the Bacon Flipper can change to become the "Everything Flipper" because it collects grease, it's grease-free and it does all the cooking with the least amount of work. The flipper is very efficient which means that the more advertisement we get for this flipper, the more money the company will make and the more motivation the company will have to come up with more innovative ideas.
Cloud Computing gives the company a way of making more money. More money means more possibilites to make even more money because businesses always want to maximize profit and utility with our given resources. We want nothing less than the max, we want to squeeze it for what it's worth and that is exactly what cloud computing is going to help us do. We will be able to do everything efficiently, quickly and painlessly while getting the maximum results.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 4- Input and Output

In order for the Bacon Flipper to work, the company will have to advertise the product on the internet and on flyers and posters and anything that will get the word out on the Bacon Flipper. The best way to do that is to use input sources where we can upload information about the Bacon Flipper and have that information processed in such a way that it attracts attention to the product. For example, we could use our computers to upload information and use printers to print out the flyers that we make using the images that we upload onto the computer.
Also we will have to use our smartphones to check the balance of our company to see if we are making any profit off the BaconFlipper. Input devices will allow us to store information and upload information however we please. We will also use devices such as the RFID devices in order to have better track on our items and revenue.
Lets say that a customer wants to buy the BaconFlipper in bulk, we can allow them to buy a lot of them without having to scan them one by one and we can scan them all at once without having to worry about mis-scanning anything because RFIC technology is more accurate and reliable.